Prompt Engineering: How to Train Your AI

By Brian Prince - Last Updated: May 20th, 2024

Mastering the art of AI requires understanding how to create useful, specific, and clear prompts.

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What Are Prompts?

Humans communicate with AI through what we call "Prompts." Prompts are, essentially, commands or instructions to lead the AI to complete the tasks at hand or deliver helpful responses.

Prompt engineering is the art and science of creating the proper inputs to elicit accurate outputs. The quality and nature of the prompt significantly influences the AI's response.

It's pivotal because the quality and nature of the prompt significantly influences the AI's response. The better an AI can respond to your requests, the more it can help you get your job done, whether that job is writing something for work or school, finding a date online, finding a job, or just finding new ways to have fun.  

In order to craft – or engineer – the best prompts to achieve your objectives, it helps to understand how AI interprets your prompts. 

How AI Models Interpret Prompts

Imagine AI models as super-smart librarians. They've read (well, more like scanned) a ton of books. That’s the data. 

When you ask them a question (the prompt), they don't just guess. They remember all these patterns and connections from what they've “read.”

They use this giant web of info to come up with an answer. It's like they're connecting the dots, and the dots are all the information they’ve ever learned. 

That’s where the term “Large Language Model” comes from. Generative AI has a “large” database of language to draw from.

Fundamentals of Crafting Effective Prompts

Think of a good prompt as a GPS for AI. Your GPS needs clear, relevant, and specific directions to get where you want it to go. You wouldn't just say "Drive!" to your GPS, right? Or even “Drive to the mall.” That’s too vague. You could wind up in Minnesota at the Mall of America or at New York City’s Hudson Yards.  

Same with AI. You have to be specific. Tell it exactly what you're after: 

  • the task 

  • the context

  • any special rules or goals 

It's all about setting the stage for what you want.

Imagine you're ordering a custom-made sandwich at the deli. You wouldn't just say, "Make me a sandwich." You'd specify, right?

"I want a turkey sandwich on whole wheat, with lettuce, tomato, and swiss—no mayo.”

That's how you should approach prompt design. Be clear. If it's too vague, AI might bring you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich when you wanted turkey.

The clearer you are, the closer the AI's response will be to what you're looking for.

The Art of Balancing Prompts

Sometimes, though, you might want to use AI to boost your creativity. That’s when you want to be more open-ended. Let's talk about open-ended vs. directed prompts. 

Open-ended prompts: These are like jazz — free, improvisational, full of surprises. They let AI get creative and broad. You ask, "Tell me about space travel," and you might get everything from science facts to sci-fi stories.

Directed prompts: These, on the other hand, are like classical music – structured and precise. They're great when you need something specific. Like, "Describe the steps for a moon landing mission." Here, AI sticks to the script. 

The trick is knowing when to jazz things up and when to stick to the classics. It all depends on what you're in the mood for — a surprise or a specific answer.

So, in a nutshell, crafting effective prompts is a bit like being a director in a play. You set the scene, give clear directions, and sometimes let the actors (AI) improvise. The better you are at this, the more impressive the performance! 🎭🤖

Advanced Prompt Techniques

Think of AI as a new friend you're introducing to your favorite TV show. You wouldn't just throw them into season 4, episode 3, right? They'd be lost!

Giving AI context is like giving your friend a quick recap…

You'd say, "OK, so there are these families fighting for a throne, dragons are involved, and watch out for the guy who knows nothing."

It's the same with AI. The more background info you give it, the better it understands what you're talking about. It's like setting the stage so that the AI can perform its best.

You can also use sequential prompting to break down difficult tasks. Imagine teaching someone to bake a cake. You wouldn't say, "Make a cake," and leave it at that. You'd break it down, right?

"First, mix the flour and sugar, then add eggs..." 

That's sequential prompting.

For complex stuff, guide AI step-by-step. It helps the AI to follow the recipe, so to speak, so that it won't mix up the flour and the frosting!

Break tasks into smaller steps, almost the way you would instruct a kindergartner to get ready for school. You wouldn't lay out their entire morning schedule at once and expect them to remember. Instead, you would give them smaller tasks and, when they accomplished the first, give them the next step.

Use Creative Prompts for Unexpected Outputs

AI can take on much more than practical, straightforward tasks. That's the beauty of generative AI. It can come up with wild and imaginative ideas -- but only when you tap into your own creativity with some playful prompts.

You might try prompting your AI to create a completely new mythical creature, inspired by legends in Greek mythology.

It's not something you'd ordinarily think about, right? And, likewise, it will push AI outside its usual patterns.

It's like giving AI a box of crayons and saying, "Go wild!" You'll end up with something unique and fun!

Whether it's setting the scene with context, guiding AI like it's following a recipe, or encouraging it to paint outside the lines, these techniques can really spice up AI’s moves. 

Troubleshooting and Optimizing Prompts

It’s not all roses with AI. What if you ask AI something and it gives you an answer that's way out in left field? 

It's like asking for directions to the nearest coffee shop and you get a history of coffee instead.

Misinterpretations, going off-topic, or even biases can sneak in when our prompts aren't clear enough. We need to ensure they are as straightforward as asking for "directions to the nearest coffee shop that's open right now.” 

Think of prompt engineering like training a puppy or instructing a toddler. It's all about repetition and slight changes. If AI gets it wrong, we don't just throw up our hands. We tweak our question, maybe make it simpler, more direct, or give a bit more context.

Troubleshooting and optimizing prompts is a bit like being a teacher, a coach, and a detective all rolled into one. It’s about guiding AI, step by step, to be the best conversational partner it can be. 🕵🤖📊

Ethical Considerations in Prompt Engineering

AI is fun to play with. Once you learn how to create prompts to get the results you want, the sky’s the limit. But, unfortunately, humans can unintentionally introduce bias into AI systems.

Imagine AI as a sponge. It soaks up everything it's taught, good and bad. When preschoolers see parents modeling less-than-ideal behavior, they might mimic it. AI is the same. 

 AI learns from data we humans provide. And sometimes, we unintentionally slip in our biases.

 If we only feed AI biased data—even if we don’t realize it’s biased because it’s what we see everyday—its responses will reflect that. 

When crafting prompts, we need to be super careful to include diverse, unbiased inputs. This way, we help AI stay fair and not just mimic the not-so-great parts of our human conversations.

Think of prompts as steering wheels for AI…

🚙 They guide where the conversation goes. But if you're not careful, you might steer right into a storm.  

🛣 Without meaning to, prompts can lead AI down some risky roads, like generating harmful or unethical content.

So, how do we craft responsible prompts? It's a bit like being a wise teacher. You've got to be aware of the biases that could sneak into lessons. Think about the wider impact of what you're teaching:

Are the prompts encouraging understanding and respect? 

Are they considerate of different perspectives? 

It's more than just asking AI to give us answers. It's about shaping those questions so that AI's responses are aligned with our best human values. It's teaching AI not just to answer, but to contribute positively to our world.

In essence, prompt-crafting is much more than just a technical task….

It's a blend of tech know-how, empathy, and ethical responsibility. 

We're not just programming a machine; we're guiding an entity that learns from us and reflects what we teach. Let's aim to be the best teachers we can be! 🤖📘💬

In our next lesson, get set to discover the world of AI tools. We’ll uncover the most popular options and guide you on choosing the perfect fit for your unique needs.